Podcasting Made Simple

Building Trust with Podcast Listeners Faster | Allen Paul

Allen Paul Episode 307

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Most podcast guests would like to hear from listeners. However, a listener will rarely reach out to the guest from even their favorite show. Often, this is because the guest has not properly developed their brand identity. Thankfully, correcting this is a simple process. In this episode, Allen Paul explains how podcast guests can establish a consistent brand identity that builds trust with podcast listeners so they're more comfortable and interested in contacting you. Get ready to start hearing from more listeners!



00:00 The Importance of Visuals in Podcasting
02:56 Building a Professional Brand
05:46 Aligning Audio and Visual Messaging
09:07 Tools for Effective Visual Presentation


Audio attracts, but visuals verify.
Your visuals should elevate your audio presentation.
A strong branding strategy is essential before interviews.
Professional visuals help podcast hosts look good.
Consistency between audio and visual messaging builds trust.
Invest in quality visuals to match your audio message.
Ensure your website reflects what you say in interviews.
Make it easy for listeners to find your offers online.
Align the feel of your website with your podcast personality.
Use tools to create a cohesive visual presence.


📊 This month's Independent Podcasters Report is now available! To see podcasting industry insights that matter for indie podcast hosts and podcast guests, please visit https://PodMatch.com/Report!

You're listening to Podcasting Made Simple. So your friend has invited you to this restaurant that he's dying for you to check out. His recommendations are always on point. When she tells you to go to a certain place, you know it's going to be fabulous. So what's your first reaction? Is it? Yes, of course I'm going to go and I'm going to go right now. I'm going to sit down, order my food because I know that my friend never misses on a recommendation. Or do you take out your phone, look for the social media and take a look for yourself? Do you check out the social media and the website and say, Hey, yeah, I like this. I see it. And yeah, let's do this. Cause I know that your recommendations are solid. So let me ask you, why didn't you trust what your friend said and instead go to the visual to look for what they just talked about? Well, you see it's human nature. All of us, no matter how much we trust the people that we Here, we always look for a little bit more evidence to just say, hey, I checked this out for myself. Now I trust you. Now I'm going to go check it out. You see, if you don't remember anything else from this presentation, just remember this audio attracts, but visuals verify. Now as podcasters, we usually lead with our voice. We usually think about what we say. And that's the thing that we care about the most. Our voice, our audio presentation. And of course, I believe the same thing. It really should be all about what we say. But you see, that's only part of the picture for any podcast interview. Anytime you show up on an interview, you're not just wanting them to hear you. You want them to stay connected with you. You want the audience, the people listening to remember what you said and then to keep following you and to stay connected with you. Which means they're going to go check you out and they're going to verify that what they just heard. should be what they see when they go to your website, your social media, whatever online branding or online presence you have. They're gonna wanna see if this thing matches up with what they just heard. And that's why it's so important that your visuals elevate your audio presentation and that you make sure that you have a consistent and strong and effective brand message and visual presentation that matches what you share when you speak or do interviews. So before you go book any more interviews, make sure that you have a branding strategy, something that makes sure that when you say things that people will go back and they will see verification and congruency and alignment with what they just heard. So let's talk about why that's so important. First of all, it means that you are a professional in the way that you treat your podcast host. and the listeners because you make sure that they are going to get a good experience when they follow you. Look at your website, look at your social media. They are going to now know that, hey, you can be trusted. This is a professional. This doesn't matter what niche you're in. It could be entertainment, could be education, inspiration. When people go to see your site, then they're going to feel the sense of, thank goodness this person is not some kind of scam or snake oil salesman. They actually have a professional website that really shows me that they care about what they share. Now, not only that, your visual presentation, making sure that it's elevated actually helps your podcast host look good. And this will get you a lot more interviews because when you have an elevated brand that looks good, that's professional, that connects with what you just said on your interview, now the podcast host looks good. What's the worst is when you are a podcast host and you do all this work for your website. And then the very next click that goes to your website immediately lowers the person's standards or makes them feel like, my gosh, what happened? I was here and now I'm here. You don't want that for your podcast host to feel like your brand brings them down. As a matter of fact, many podcasts hosts love to promote the guests. and even make sure that their branding is in alignment and make sure that the pictures are connected and the colors are matching. But that's only if you've already done the homework to make sure that your branding has something to match with. So podcast hosts are always wonderfully, wonderfully happy when you have already done the work to make sure that your visual presentation, that your branding and that your messaging and all of those things that are visuals actually makes the podcast host look good for recommending you and having you on their show. Now let's talk about the how. There's about three things that you really want to make sure are absolutely aligned when it comes to your visual presentation. And then we'll talk a little bit about the tools that you might want to employ to make this happen. First of all, the words you say on your interview really should be the words that are on your website or your social media. Now, this does not mean you have to parrot everything you say, every slogan. That would be, no, you don't want to do that, trust me. But what you do want to do, is have some kind of congruence between a word, a phrase, the way you say certain things, and then the words on your website or on your social media, they should match. There should be very clear things. There should not be a whole different kind of marketing spiel on your website that has nothing to do with what you said on your interview. Again, that's going to destroy the trust that you just built by showing up on this interview. by being a guest, you are giving an invitation to someone to check you out. And if there's nothing that you said with your words that are actually things that they will read, well now they don't know, they can trust what you just said. So make sure that those words are at least very close to the same, if not the same, for something that you say, a slogan, a byline, that is clearly also on your social media or your online presence. Also, make sure that the feel of your website or your social media is the same. You don't want to have a perky personality and then a doom and gloom website with dark colors and something that just feels like the total opposite of what you just shared. And if you're very serious or very, you know, your brand presence is very serious and you want to make things very clear that you know what you're talking about, you have a lot of gravitas, but then your website is sunshine and rainbows, once again. The field doesn't match what you shared. So the visual again has to match the audio. You want to look the part that you are putting on your interview. And yes, this does mean that you gotta invest a little in your pictures. You gotta invest a little, even if you're using stock photos and other things like that on your website, make sure that it actually matches the way that you're presenting yourself. And it's always okay to check with people and then say, Hey, when you see this, does this make you think of me? Does this match what I try to put off? Because if it doesn't, you gotta change that because your listeners and the people that hear your interviews are all gonna think the same thing. They're not gonna know that this person is really legit, because it doesn't feel like it lines up. And then finally, make sure that the offers you say and the websites you share are also visually on your websites and on your pages and on your social media. Nothing is worse than when I... interview someone and they say, well go here and they read this super long URL that no one can find. And then I got to cut and paste that and try to put it on the description and no one's going to click that. And I'm going to try to shorten it. But then when they go there, they're going to look for the button and it's not going to be there. I don't want to put my listeners through that. I want to make sure that every time someone is on my show, that what they offer is there. If it's in the bio, it's in the bio. If it's a click here to click here. And it's easy for the people to find because it visually matches what they shared. You see in all of these things, it's all about intentionally thinking past to interview to the fact that people will want to follow you. And your visual presentation is what will verify what your audio hopefully attracted. So once again, let's just talk about a few tools. Now, a lot of these things are going to change with time, but you definitely want to make sure that your website has a header. where above the fold it has that slogan. So whatever website you use, make sure that the words you say are somewhere at that top above the fold that they talk about so that as soon as somebody goes to a website, they see a similar phrasing or the byline of the slogan that you just talked about on whatever interview. A lot of hosts and a lot of people love it when you already have designed something directly related to the episode. And then when you share it, They know exactly where to go and it makes it so much easier to share because I know when they click this button, they're going to find that offer. And as I mentioned, the feel of your show or the feel of your episodes, everything that you want that you're going to be sharing in that interview, you want it to also appear on the social media or the website that you just said. So if you show up and you're on a show that has a very, very light personality, You wanna make sure that it matches with what you share on your webpage as well. You don't want there to be, again, you don't wanna be on shows where there's this total opposite of this show feels like this, but then they go to your website and it's totally the opposite. So even as you think about where you're going to try to get these interviews, think about the positioning of that so that the visuals will match where you show up so there isn't this big disconnect as soon as they get to your website. Make sure that everything that you do in your visuals are verifying what the audio is presenting and attracting. Now, once again, we are podcasters. We interview, we host, we use our words. That's the thing that I will always say is the most important thing. When that friend recommends something to you, they are trustworthy. You trust them because you've heard them say it before and you know that they're going to be legit, but it's always good when you go to that website. and you see exactly what they said is right there on it. That's why you got to make sure that your video is elevating everything you're sharing in your audio. And don't be afraid to get out there and change things up just to make sure that you are elevating your visual presentation so that your audio will always be trusted and you will show up even more effectively, even more confidently in every interview you do. Thanks so much. Hope this has helped you. 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